Potential removal of 1D-Var products from BUFR

Hi all,

In looking further at the new BUFR sequence, we have been asked the question whether the 1D-Var products (temperature, pressure and specific humidity) and the surface quantities (surface pressure, geopotential height of surface) are required. These are referred to as Level2b and Level2c products in the ROM SAF BUFR description:


We are thinking that NWP centres don’t use these products, and therefore they can be removed from the BUFR format (they may still be available from data providers in other formats).

If you use these products from BUFR files, then please let us know as soon as possible. If we don’t here that they are used, then we will remove them from the new, revised format specification.

Many thanks,

Neill (on behalf of the BUFR format committee)

Neill Bowler GNSS radio occultation

Met Office FitzRoy Road Exeter EX1 3PB United Kingdom