Timeliness of RO data for operational NWP

The table below shows the percentage of Metop-B (GRAS) observations from May 2015 that would meet the early and late cutoffs at several NWP centres, given receipt times at the Met Office (data from GTS via DMI). The cutoff information for each centre was obtained from this page. Note that if a range of cutoff values were given, the pessimistic limit has been selected for this table. Also, it is assumed that the assimilation windows are centred at 00Z etc, but this is not always true (e.g. for ECMWF), but this probably will not affect the results greatly for assimilation windows larger than 6 hours.

19216 Metop-B (GRAS) observations were received by the Met Office for this period.

Centre Early run Late run
Met Office 80.32% 100.00%
NCEP 63.21% 100.00%
NRL 92.89% 100.00%
JMA 75.04% 100.00%
ECMWF 99.83% 100.00%
Environment Canada 77.87% 100.00%
Meteo-France 66.81% 100.00%
DWD 95.24% 100.00%
CMA 94.36% 100.00%


For comparison, this is the equivalent table for COSMIC-1 (data from UCAR via the GTS for same period). 12875 observations were received by the Met Office.

Centre Early run Late run
Met Office 63.72% 98.90%
NCEP 31.82% 96.53%
NRL 76.02% 99.99%
JMA 57.51% 99.93%
ECMWF 83.61% 99.97%
Environment Canada 58.84% 98.73%
Meteo-France 48.34% 99.64%
DWD 64.42% 100.00%
CMA 76.02% 99.93%