IROWG-2 Agenda, Abstracts, Presentations

IROWG-2 Workshop

28th March – 3rd April 2012

Estes Park, Colorado


Tuesday 27 March 2012
Wednesday 28 March 2012
03:00 07:00 Registration
08:00 08:30 Registration
08:30 09:00 Welcome
Conference Overview IROWG #1 Summary and Impact
09:00 09:30 Outlook for future atmospheric sounding systems from space Richard Anthes   Abstract Presentation

Session 1 NWP
Chair: R. Anthes, Co-Chair: W. J. Randel


09:30 09:50 The use of two-dimensional observation operators when assimilating GPS radio occultation measurements S. Healy   Abstract Presentation
09:50 10:10 Assimilation of GPS RO observations at NCEP L. Cucurull  Abstract Presentation
10:10 10:30 Developments on the interpretation and assimilation of GPSRO data at Environment Canada J. M. Aparicio  Abstract Presentation
10:30 10:50 Break
10:50 11:10 Assimilation of GPS radio occultation measurements at the Met Office C. Burrows  Abstract Presentation
11:10 11:30 Assimilation of GPS RO observations at METEO-FRANCE N. Saint-Ramond  Abstract Presentation
11:30 11:50 Interaction of Bending Angle Assimilation from GNSS Sensors in the U.S. Navy’s Assimilation System B. Ruston  Abstract Presentation
11:50 12:10 Assimilation of GPS radio occultation data at DWD H. Anlauf  Abstract Presentation
12:10 01:30 Lunch
01:30 01:50 Assimilation of GPS RO data for the JMA global model H. Owada   Abstract Presentation
01:50 02:10 Radio Occultation at EUMETSAT A. von Engeln   Abstract Presentation

Session 2 Climate
Chair: S. Healy, Co-Chair: B. Kuo


02:30 02:50 Absolute Data in Climate Reanalysis S. Leroy Abstract Presentation
02:50 03:10 Quantification of Structural Uncertainty in Climate Data Records from GPS Radio Occultation A. K. Steiner Abstract Presentation
03:10 03:30 Break
03:30 03:50 Variability of the cold point tropical tropopause derived from GPS data W.J. Randel   Abstract Presentation
03:50 04:10 Summaries of GPS RO Inversion Procedures in the Upper Troposphere and Middle Stratosphere among Operational Centers and Structural Uncertainties in the Multiple Center Comparisons S.-P. Ho  Abstract Presentation
04:10 04:30 Three dimensional reconstruction of the atmospheric El Niño-Southern Oscillation signal B. Scherllin-Pirscher Abstract Presentation
04:30 04:50 Improving GPS RO Stratospheric Retrieval for Climate Benchmarking C. O. Ao Abstract Presentation
04:50 05:10 Generation of Refractivity Climatologies Without Statistical Optimization H. Gleisner   Abstract Presentation
05:30 07:30 Reception
Thursday 29 March 2012
08:00 09:00 Breakfast/Poster viewing

Session 3 RO Data Processing
Chair: B. Ho, Co-Chair: E. Cardellach


09:00 09:20 Tropospheric GRAS Data and Retrieval C. Marquardt Abstract Presentation
09:20 09:40 Implementation of ROSA radio occultation data handling into EUMETSAT and GRAS SAF processing R. Notarpietro  Abstract Presentation
09:40 10:00 Quality Assessment of GPS RO Bending Angle Data at the UCAR CDAAC W. Schreiner   Abstract Presentation
10:00 10:20 Numerical Ray Tracing of GPS Radio Occultation Paths K. Zhang Abstract Presentation
10:20 10:40 Break
10:40 11:00 Adaptation of GPS radio-occultation observation operators to the presence of atmospheric horizontal gradients K. Boniface   Abstract Presentation
11:00 11:20 Ionospheric correction of RO signals by direct modelling of ionosphere I.D. Culverwell Abstract Presentation
11:20 11:40 Comparison of Temperature Data above 20km between COSMIC and TIMED/SABER X. Hu   Abstract Cancelled
11:40 12:00 Observation and analysis of deep radio occultations signals in COSMIC S. Sokolovskiy   Abstract Presentation
12:00 01:30 Lunch

Session 4 Mission / Payload Technology
Chair: S. Sokolovskiy, Co-Chair: C. Marquardt


01:30 01:50 RO instrument design considerations for the new GNSS signals M. Bonnedal   Abstract Presentation
01:50 02:10 FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS Radio Occultation Mission: From Research to Operations C.-J. Fong   Abstract Presentation
02:10 02:30 Development Status of NASA’s TriG GNSS Science Instrument T. K. Meehan Abstract Presentation
02:30 02:50 Developments for the next generation of Radio Occultation instruments in Europe J. Rosello  Abstract Presentation
02:50 03:10 CICERO: Community Initiative for Continuing Earth Radio Occultation T. Yunck   Abstract Presentation
03:10 03:30 Break
03:30 03:50 GPS L2C Tracking of Radio Occultation Signals with the COSMIC Receiver W. Schreiner  Abstract Presentation
03:50 04:10 Antennas for the Next Radio Occultation Mission D. Turbiner Abstract Presentation
04:10 06:00 Working Group Formation / Working Groups
06:00 07:30 Dinner on your own
07:30 08:30 Poster viewing
Friday 30 March 2012
08:00 09:00 Breakfast/Poster viewing

Session 5 Innovative RO Techniques
Chair: T. Meehan, Co-Chair: S. Leroy


09:00 09:20 Progress with LEO-LEO Microwave and Infrared-laser Occultation: Performance Results and Canary Islands Greenhouse Gases Experiment G. Kirchengast  Abstract Presentation
09:20 09:40 Status Report on the Active Temperature, Ozone and Moisture Microwave Spectrometer (ATOMMS) E. R. Kursinski  Abstract Presentation
09:40 10:00 The ‘Radio Occultation and Heavy Precipitation’ experiment aboard the PAZ satellite: status and ground campaign E. Cardellach  Abstract Presentation
10:00 10:20 Retrieval of GNSS Ocean Reflected Signals P. Høeg  Abstract Presentation
10:20 10:40 Outstanding Issues Concerning GPS RO Measurements in the Lower Troposphere C. O. Ao Abstract Presentation
10:40 11:00 Break
11:00 11:20 Analysis of RO data retrieved from the Wigner distribution function K. B. Lauritsen Abstract Presentation
11:20 11:40 Occultation using Spherical Spline Approximation C. Blick  Abstract Presentation
12:00 01:30 Lunch

Session 6 Ionosphere
Chair: G. Kirchengast, Co-Chair: R. Kursinski


01:30 01:50 Global S4 Index of the Ionosphere Probed by FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC Tiger J.Y. Liu   Abstract Presentation
01:50 02:10 Ionospheric Signatures in Radio Occultation Data A. J. Mannucci Abstract Presentation
02:10 02:30 Global 3-D ionospheric electron density reanalysis based on multi missions and ground based GNSS observations assimilation in UCAR/CDAAC X. Yue  Abstract Presentation
02:30 02:40 Retrieval of TEC data using GPS receiver and study of its behavior during different ionospheric conditions at a low latitude station Agra V. Chauhan   Abstract Cancelled
02:40 03:00 Electron density profiles of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC at E-Layer C.-Y. Huang   Abstract Presentation
03:00 03:20 Radio Occultation Observations of Ionospheric Scintillation P. Straus Abstract Presentation
03:20 03:40 Break
03:40 04:00 The Importance of Radio Occultation Measurements for Ionosphere modeling M. Codrescu   Abstract Presentation
04:00 04:20 Equatorial Scintillation Initiated From Low Altitude Forcing via Hurricanes/Typhoons R. Bishop   Abstract Presentation
04:20 04:40 Use of Radio Occultation Data in Ionospheric Assimilation Algorithm IDA4D G. Crowley   Abstract Presentation
04:40 05:00 Assessment of Radio Occultation Observations to Improve Space Weather Nowcasts Using the JPL/USC Global Assimilative Ionosphere Model A. J. Mannucci   Abstract Presentation
06:00 08:00 Hosted Dinner
Saturday 31 March 2012
09:00 12:00 Working Groups
01:30   Activities / Tours
07:30 09:00 Working Groups – as arranged by chairs
Sunday 1 April 2012
Activities / Tours
RO-Trends Splinter Meeting
10:00 12:00 1) Discussion on GNSS RO Retrieval Algorithms in the Lower Troposphere
3:00 5:00 2) Discussion on GNSS RO Retrieval Algorithms at High Altitudes 
Monday 2 April 2012
08:00 09:00 Breakfast/Poster Viewing

Session 7 NWP
Chair: T. Mannucci, Co-Chair: P. Straus


09:00 09:20 Upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric variability observed with GPS radio occultation data since 2001: Results from CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC T. Schmidt   Abstract Presentation
09:20 09:40 TerraSAR-X Radio Occultation processing at the GFZ:center-to-center comparison and validation F. Zus   Abstract Presentation
09:40 10:00 Estimating the Optimal Number of GNSS Radio Occultation Measurements for Numerical Weather Prediction F. Harnisch  Abstract Presentation
10:00 10:20 The Use of GPS Radio Occultation Data for Tropical Cyclones prediction Y.-H. Kuo   Abstract Presentation
10:20 10:40 Assessing the impact of RO refractivity on the analysis and prediction of Typhoon Morakot (2009) with a new data assimilation strategy X. Fang   Abstract Presentation
10:40 11:00 Break
11:00 11:20 Intraseasonal Temperature Variability in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from the GPS RO and AIRS Measurements B. Tian   Abstract Presentation
11:20 11:40 Inter-instrument comparisons of troposphericwater vapor over land and oceans P. Vergados   Abstract Presentation
11:40 12:00 Assimilation experiments with ground-based GPS observations in the Canadian Regional Deterministic Prediction System S. Macpherson   Abstract Presentation
12:00 01:30 Lunch

Session 8 Climate
Chair: P. Hoeg, Co-Chair: T. Liu


01:30 01:50 Evaluation of Climate Models Using Radio Occultation Observations – Tropical Convection Regimes in the HadGEM Model A. K. Steiner Abstract Presentation
01:50 02:10 Intraseasonal variability of the tropical tropopause derived from COSMIC RO data Z. Zeng   Abstract Presentation
02:10 02:30 GNSS RO Sampling for Climate Purposes S. Leroy Abstract Presentation
02:30 02:50 Assessment of the structural uncertainty of MetOp-A/GRAS products S. Syndergaard Abstract Presentation
02:50 03:05 Break

Session 9 RO Data Processing
Chair: A. Steiner, Co-Chair: L. Cucurull


03:05 03:25 Evaluating the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer in Reanalyses over Subtropical Eastern Oceans with in-situ radiosondes, COSMIC Radio Occultation and CALIPSO Lidar Measurements F. Xie  Abstract Presentation
03:25 03:45 Some aspects of inversions of radio occultation signals S. Sokolovskiy   Abstract Presentation
03:45 04:05 Impact of Satellite Orbit and Clock Quality on GPS Radio Occultation Data Processing Y. Yoon   Abstract Presentation
04:05 04:25 Ground Support Network for the GRAS Mission – Status and Evolution R. Zandbergen   Abstract Presentation
04:25 04:40 Break

Session 10 Innovative RO Technique
Chair: B. Schreiner, Co-Chair: C. J. Fong


04:40 05:00 Determination of atmospheric wave parameters from individual radio occultation retrievals of vertical temperature profiles V. N. Gubenko   Abstract Cancelled
05:00 05:20 Profiling the Atmosphere with the Airborne Radio Occultation Technique Using GPS Signals Recorded in Open-Loop Mode P. Muradyan   Abstract Presentation
05:20 05:40 Application of the eikonal acceleration/intensity technique to study radio-meteorological characteristics of the atmosphere by use of GPS occultation data A. Pavelyev   Abstract Cancelled
05:40 06:00 Ground-Based GPS Occultation Utilizing Modernized Signals E. Griggs Abstract Presentation
06:00   Dinner on your own
Tuesday 3 April 2012
08:00 09:00 Breakfast/Poster Viewing
09:00 10:15 Working Group Reports
10:15 10:25 Break
10:25 12:00 Working Group Reports
12:00 12:30 Future meetings discussion



Poster Presentations
Ionosphere Seismo-Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC C. Y. Chen  Abstract
Ionosphere Method of Assessing RO Retrieval Bias in the Ionospheric Model M. Q. Chen Abstract
NWP Impact of COSMIC data on a synoptic-scale cyclone over the west Antarctica S.-Y. Chen   Abstract
NWP Lower tropospheric fields derived from COSMIC radio occultation data R. Hierro  Abstract
Data Proc. Limits of the applicability of the geometrical optics in the radio occultation techniques derived from the numerical simulations of the parabolic diffraction equation Y.A. Ilyushin  Abstract
Data Proc. Processing of COSMIC and GRAS data from level 1a (phases, amplitudes, orbits) to level 1b (bending angles) and level 2a (refractivity) using the Radio Occultation Processing Package (ROPP) K. Kinch   Abstract
NWP 4D-dynamical high altitude initialization of GPS radio occultation bending angles Y. Li  Abstract
NWP Improvement metrics for meteorological state vectors retrieved from GPS RO profiles through 1dvar J. K. Nielsen  Abstract
Innovative Bistatic remote sensing of the atmosphere and Earth’s surface using GNSS radio occultation signals A.G. Pavelyev Abstract
Ionosphere Monitoring of Sporadic Plasma Layers in the Lower Ionosphere During Period 2001-2008 by use of GPS Occultation Data A. Pavelyev  Abstract
Ionosphere Radio Occultation criterion as applied to location of inclined layers A. G. Pavelyev Abstract
Ionosphere The tropospheric/stratospheric temperature and the ionospheric electron density observed during volcanic eruptions L. K. Pei  Abstract
Ionosphere Radio occultation methods for monitoring atmosphere and ionosphere of the earth V. H. Rios  Abstract
Innovative Atmospheric ray-tracing using numerical weather models for space geodetic positioning: Current activities at the University of New Brunswick, Canada M. C. Santos  Abstract
Climate Validation of Satellite Data with Climate Monitoring Potential by Radio Occultation Reference Datasets M. Schwaerz   Abstract
Ionosphere Using Supplemental GPS VTEC Data to Reduce RO Retrieval Bias in the Ionospheric Profile S.-Y. Su   Abstract
Ionosphere Global Distribution of Ionosphere and Plasmasphere Observed by the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites H.-F. Tsai  Abstract
Innovative Airborne GNSS radio occultation retrievals using a radio-holographic method F. Xie  Abstract
Ionosphere Radio occultation electron density retrieval aided by ground-based GNSS observations and a global ionospheric data assimilation model X. Yue   Abstract
Climate Inversions of averaged GPS RO bending angles for climate applications Z. Zeng  Abstract


Conference Committee:


A. von Engeln (EUMETSAT, DE)/IROWG,